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This garden barrel offers 22 square feet of growing space in a 4 square footprint. On wheels, it can be moved to catch the best angle of the sun. Inside, a clay reservoir called an olla holds water which seeps slowly out allowing even watering. Fits on most backyard patios or decks.

Barrel with pockets.

A recycled, food grade barrel has 40 pockets for growing plus the surface on top.

Clay olla holds water.

A clay olla is buried inside the barrel.  This allows even watering as the water seeps out slowly.

Filled with good soil and ready to plant.

Plant whatever you like – flowers, herbs, veggies.

Chose one mono crop

These strawberries will grow runners and eventually the entire barrel will be covered. Ever-bearing strawberries last until frost.

Different herbs and vegetables....

Plant just about anything… squash, cucumbers trail on the ground. Herbs work well in the pockets, so do flowers.